Health in your body Abundance in your Life Peace in your heart


I look at things as a system of systems. My agenda is Liberty.  These five areas are essential to liberty for every man, woman, and child in America. Understanding how these areas interact is vital to healing America.
  • Maslow’s Hierarch of needs shows us that one cannot reach their full potential without certain needs being met.

    This is true for the person facing bankruptcy due to medical bills.

    This is true for the homeless who are expected to be drug and alcohol free before they can sleep inside in relative safety.

    This is true for the hungry child who isn’t sure when or where her next meal will be.

    This is true for the medical cannabis patient who can’t get access to standardized medicines due to federal embargo.

    We spend 2-3 times as much on healthcare as the next most expensive nation; and we are getting worse outcomes.

  • To be a Revolutionary, one must study history.

    Historically, keeping a population ignorant and illiterate were a means of control.

    Look at our education system. We are teaching an industrial age model while digital age kids are losing interest.

    Government is the least efficient and effective method for educating our children.

    They deserve better.

  • It is impossible to guarantee equality of outcome, but we can advocate for equity in opportunity.

    This becomes the American Dream realized. People who are living in poverty and survival aren’t free to create and overcome.

    We are missing generations of geniuses who turn their attention, not to solving man’s problems, but to surviving in horrific conditions.

    Inner city schooling is subpar at best. At worst, it is purposely meant to keep our BIPOC children ignorant and dependent on the system.

  • People point to America as proof of the failure of Capitalism.

    America is proof that cronyism and picking winners is bad.

    America is proof that overregulation is bad.

    The economy isn’t measured in recession and stock markets, it’s measured in unemployment, elderly homeless, rampant debt, and hungry children.

    We can’t tout the economy when the majority of bankruptcies are due to medical expenses.

  • The environment is more than climate change.

    It’s the economic environment.

    It’s the constant war.

    It’s the feeling of oppression.

    It’s the constant threat of mass shootings.

    We are not in a normal place. We are normalizing the horrific.